Distress Sale

Based on feedback and suggestions from members we are starting Distress Sale Platform. Please do not use this Service for Regular Sales.


  1. This is service from CleanDeed only for Hyderabad Properties
  2. It is a Free service to the Seller and paid service for the buyer. The amount will vary depending on the Property.
  3. Seller should be ready to share complete documentation of the Property.
  4. Seller Should be ready to sell at max 70% of Market Value as per the Valuation Certificate of CleanDeed

Steps and Procedure:

  1. Seller fills the form below with basic details.
  2. CleanDeed will fix appointment to visit the property, take pictures and collect copies of the Property Documents.
  3. CleanDeed will get the Legal Opinion and Valuation done from authorised personnel.
  4. The property minimum details will be posted on CleanDeed and various other platforms which will improve the chances of property and at same time protect Privacy of the Seller.
  5. Upon receiving payment from the Buyer, complete details, documents along with Legal Opinion and Valuation will be shared.
  6. If Buyer interested to proceed further, buyer details will be shared to the Seller. After his acceptance of the offer, Seller details will be shared to the Buyer.
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