Real Estate Prices in Hyderabad after Corona Virus Lock Down

Hyderabad Lock Down – starting being partial and then stringent to curb the spread of Corona Virus. We have many official websites telling us the numbers affected by this deadly virus, however not many are talking about the aftermath.

Following are few of the possible after-effects that we feel we might see (Not based on validated data- hence we do not take responsibility of the accurateness or validity of opinions shared below):

  1. Recession might hit in, which might last for almost upto a year.
  2. We might see an increase in the Jobs being outsourced to India.
  3. We also might see few of the MNC’s declaring Job Cuts to balance the situation.
  4. Shares, Mutual Funds, etc Investments might need a few months before they can get back on track.
  5. We will see an increase in Businesses trying to promote Work from Home.
  6. More Companies will be ready with BCP measures that earlier.
  7. It will take a while for common cold and fever to be treated as “common”.
  8. Healthy Living and more time with Family will see an increasing trend in families.
  9. Essential Services and Commodities might see high demand and lesser supply.
  10. Public and Social Gatherings will take a while to become regular.
  11. Increase in Two Wheeler and Four Wheeler as comparison to Public Transport.

Real Estate Prices in Hyderabad – after Corona Virus!

We feel, Real Estate prices in Hyderabad will be on increasing trend post Corona Virus Lock Down!

  1. Hyderabad has the ready Infrastructure to handle influx of Jobs.
  2. Ready availability of Skilled Job Seekers to handle new projects.
  3. Higher acceptance and tolerance for folks from different back grounds, Geography and communities.
  4. Better City Planning and availability of Open Land Pool.
  5. Higher new jobs and lesser commute will mean requirement of more residential units.
  6. Demand for Dwelling Units near to place of work will increase and so will the Real Estate Prices.

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